March has been a big month for Substation33.
We are super happy to announce that our new site at Units 9 & 10, 24 - 26 Ellerslie Road, Meadowbrook is now fully operational and ready to process e-waste once more.
We leave behind a lot of great memories at Mary Street, but the most important part of Substation33 came with us, and that is Subbie the cat. Oh yes, and of course everything else like our great staff, volunteers and all of the stuff that was previously very tightly packed into our old site at Mary Street!Here are some pictures of Subbie - she seems to be taking the move well.
There are also pictures of our new frontage so finding us will be easier. You can find us at the back of the car park in Unit 9. We have a lot more room to move now and you might be surprised how we ever even fit in the old location! We are really looking forward to seeing you at the new site.
Very exciting times, stay tuned.
